Thank You for Scheduling

Your Strategy Session!

Congratulations on taking the first step towards elevating your athletic and academic future!

Click Below To Watch This Introduction Video First!


Priorities Worksheet

Please fill out the Priorities Worksheet to clarify what you're looking for in a college experience. This will cover aspects such as potential majors, preferred school size, and the type of city or town you'd like to live in. Understanding your priorities will allow us to align our coaching with your personal and academic aspirations.


Pros and Cons Worksheet

The Pros and Cons Worksheet will help you weigh the different aspects of potential schools. This includes factors like the course of study, distance from home, climate preferences, and more. Completing this worksheet will aid in our discussion about where you might thrive both academically and athletically.

What to Expect During Your Strategy Session:

During your call, Coach Rogers will go through your completed worksheets to gain insights into your preferences and requirements. We’ll explore your athletic ambitions, discuss potential college matches, and outline the strategic steps we can take together to ensure you stand out in the recruitment process.

Additional Preparation

Reflect on Your Goals

Establishing Your Baseline and Setting Goals

Gather Any Questions

 Personal Branding and Social Media Strategy

Stay Motivated

Remember, the path to becoming a college athlete is as challenging as it is rewarding. You’re not just preparing for a sport; you’re setting the stage for your future success.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

Looking Forward to Our Session!

We’re excited to meet with you and get started on your journey to college sports excellence. See you soon!, If you need any assistance before your call.



The best time to start was yesterday. The next best time is now.

This is your moment to transform potential into a college career. Let’s make it happen.

Significant Coaching

Significant Coaching

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