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- Brian Johnson Binghamton
- Building
- Ceanna Larson-Michalek
- Centralia College
- Claremont-Mudd-Scripps College
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- College Recruiting Advice
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- College Volleyball Recruitment
- D1 Softball Recruiting
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- D3 Women's Basketball
- Dip Metress Augusta University
- Female Empowerment
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- Hall of Famer Ron Zetcher
- Jonathan Scott
- Junior College Volleyball
- Kristen Dowling
- Mark Stauffer Misericordia University
- Marketing
- Matt Midkiff Swarthmore College
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- NCAA D2 Men's Basketball
- NCAA D3 Baseball
- NCAA D3 Women's Soccer
- NCAA Division 1 Men's Basketball
- NCAA Division 1 Softball
- NCAA Division II Volleyball
- Oregon State Softball
- Oregon State University
- Pepperdine University
- Pete Egbert Misericordia Baseball
- Point Loma Nazarene
- Ron Zetcher
- Significant Coaching Podcast
- Sports Psychology
- Stef Ewing
- Strength and Conditioning
- Whittier College
the latest from our experts

Significant Coaching with Matt Rogers: Trailer
Coach Matt Rogers is 25+ year veteran coach, athletic director, college scout and author of the book, Significant Recruiting: The Playbook for Prospective College Athletes. Coach Rogers is passionate about talking sports with some of the best and brightest minds in the industry. His new podcast will be filled with interviews with coaches, former athletes […]
- All Episodes
- Brian Johnson Binghamton
- Building
- Ceanna Larson-Michalek
- Centralia College
- Claremont-Mudd-Scripps College
- College Admissions
- College Coaching and Recruiting
- College Recruiting Advice
- College Softball
- College Volleyball Recruitment
- D1 Softball Recruiting
- D3 Baseball
- D3 Men's Basketball
- D3 Women's Basketball
- Dip Metress Augusta University
- Female Empowerment
- Financial aid
- Growth
- Hall of Famer Ron Zetcher
- Jonathan Scott
- Junior College Volleyball
- Kristen Dowling
- Mark Stauffer Misericordia University
- Marketing
- Matt Midkiff Swarthmore College
- Monetizing
- NCAA D2 Men's Basketball
- NCAA D3 Baseball
- NCAA D3 Women's Soccer
- NCAA Division 1 Men's Basketball
- NCAA Division 1 Softball
- NCAA Division II Volleyball
- Oregon State Softball
- Oregon State University
- Pepperdine University
- Pete Egbert Misericordia Baseball
- Point Loma Nazarene
- Ron Zetcher
- Significant Coaching Podcast
- Sports Psychology
- Stef Ewing
- Strength and Conditioning
- Whittier College