The 1st 5 Questions a Coach Will Ask You

The 1st 5 Questions a Coach Will Ask You

“All things are ready, if our mind be so.” ― William Shakespeare, Henry V

If there is one idea that is more important for me to teach and model with my student-athletes, it is the importance of being prepared. The best recruits are always the most prepared recruits because you never know when you are going to be in a situation to talk to a college coach or be recruited by a college coach.

All coaches are different and have different perspectives in regard to their recruitment strategies, but the below questions are the types of questions all coaches will ask to help them get to know you better. The more you think about how you want to answer these questions, the more confidence you will create with that coach asking them:

  1. What is your cumulative GPA?
  2. How much do you enjoy playing [your sport]?
  3. Why do you want to play [your sport] in college?
  4. How’s your recruitment going?
  5. Is anyone else recruiting you?

These questions may seem innocuous at first glance, but your answers will determine if a coach continues to recruit you and how aggressively they will be in their next steps with you.

What is your cumulative GPA? They want to know if you are even worth their time. Can they get you into their school? Can they get your family enough money to make their school affordable for you and your family?

How much do you enjoy playing [your sport]? College coaches are looking for passion. They can teach a student-athlete how to be a better athlete, but they cannot make your love your sport. They want to know how much your sport means to you and if you are committed to playing long-term. If they don’t hear a love of your sport in your words and tone, they will quickly pivot away from you and onto the next kid on their list.

Why do you want to play [your sport] in college? They want to know if you are serious about this next phase of your life or is it mom or dad’s dream for you. They want to know if you have thought about your future and have thought about the time and effort you will be putting into being a member of their roster.

How’s your recruitment going? Coaches want to know where you are at in your process. Are they the first coach to contact you or the 5oth? It makes a huge difference in their chances of getting you to say “‘yes” in the end.

Is anyone else recruiting you? Coaches are not dumb. If you can play, they realize that other coaches will be recruiting you, as well. They want to know what their competition for you looks like. Are coaches at better schools with more scholarships, bigger budgets, better academics and with better reputations recruiting you? What obstacles are in their way to get you? Do they even have a chance? No one is recruiting you? [Coach says to self: Awesome, I can take my time and keep recruiting other kids because I am the only one recruiting you, and I have time before I have to get serious about you.] This is why LEVERAGE is so important to the recruiting process.

If you are actively reaching out to coaches at realistic schools that fit your needs and wants, it won’t be long before college coaches are calling you. Having strong, prepared answers to the questions above will go a long way to whether or not that coach wants to have a 2nd conversation with you! Take 5 minutes and write down how you want to answer these questions on the Notes App on your phone or write them out old school in your recruitment journal. You’ll be glad you did!

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Interested in Coach Rogers’ Book on College Recruiting? You can find it here:  ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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